Sabtu, 28 Februari 2015

How to lead your teen credibly!

Sometimes your teen does not success  just like what you expected . When your teen whom you give a trust does not  keep it  your truth because of his/her lack  of knowledge or communication.

 How to lead your teen credibly is strategy  to establish trustworthiness ,self confidence, competence and competitive advantage for your teen. It you would  this element  to earn your teen trust and to make within their  mind .

In era of competitiveness parent would  no longer  force to make teenager obedience toward him, they no longer protective and control the teenager.   In this era more parent should  has the credibility  in the mind of their teenager. But maybe teenager have been fear to failure and they haven’t   have credibility.

 You  need your teen have credibility  you must information to make finer distinctions about  what they need to do to produce the result they passion, if they had  a mistake don’t  they  take on emotional reactive . 

Minggu, 22 Februari 2015

How to build relationship with Teens in ICT Era

Kank, as a parent and teacher I am concerned about the behavior of teenagers covered communicate with parents ..?

Every child is basically  unique as individuals, individual differences so unwise if the child is required to have the same in all fields, especially if the child rather than compare. This is the most important principle in interacting with children. Therefore, building a harmonious relationship with the child should focus on the uniqueness of each difference owned teens.

The principle of harmonious communication with the teen, which is trying to learn to recognize and understand the expectations of desire and anxiety faced by adolescents. Given the ease in the era of information and communication technology (ICT era) every child has a need to be noticed, loved and appreciated so that not infrequently they pour their needs through its social networking. And not infrequently they fall in  communication activities misguided.

Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

7 Penyebab Perilaku “Nakal” Anak Usia SD dan Solusinya

Kank,mengapa belakangan ini anak saya kelas dua SD cenderung suka membentak  dan sulit diatur..?

Pada anak usia SD perilaku baik dan buruk lebih pada upya untuk mendapatkan penilian dari orang lain,oleh karena itu “kenakalan” mereka merupakan tidak adanya saluran komunikasi dan kasih sayang yang mereka harapkan,perilakunya merupakan cerminan dari suasana hatinya.  Beberapa alasan mengapa perilaku nakal itu muncul adalah:

·         Anak meniru apa yang dilihat nya dari lingkungan sekitar termasuk perilaku kedua orang tuanya. Oleh karena itu pastikan  perilaku lingkungan  keluarga terutama kedua orang tua  tidak menjadi contoh bagi anak dalam perilaku “nakal”.  Sehingga lebih mudah anda mengingatkan anak, karena anda sudah mencontohkan yang baik.