Senin, 31 Agustus 2015

How to Develop Moral Development Your Child: “Weneh -ana Contoh..!”

Many of today parent struggle to raise their children without  the help of extended family or religious training . They want to give their children a strong set of moral values, but they don’t know what they should do. There is some “strategic”  moral development for  your  child
 Be Consistent
Be Forceful & Persistent
Rule of Shame
When parents are inconsistent  about moral values , children tend  to lose respect  for them and often come resent them as well.
Permissive parents who don’t  insist that their children live up  to moral rulers tend children who are aggressive, self centered and irresponsible .
A child’s experience of shame consist of his inner voice telling him he did something wrong
The rules should be consistent,  as should the consequences of living up them or breaking them.
Parent must  let him know clearly and forcefully how moral values are important to their self
Parent can use role exchanging to resolve conflicts between parent and  their child
The child can learn  that people  can see thing differently and still handle  their disagreements reasonably and respectful.
Communicating feelings that will make children feel guilty or ashamed  should be reserved exclusively for moral training.
Let him know the impact of his actions are the feelings of others including your self.

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